We did a little of both this
weekend. Waiting and dancing. I was scared on Saturday. More scared than I have
been a while.
My Employer closed. That is
unheard of. I closed up shop and went home in the rain. It had started a couple
of hours earlier. I got home to my kiddos and my neighbors watching them and
was thrilled to see they could care less about the weather that day. They had
gone out to breakfast, played with legos, made a Birthday dessert for the Mr.
and even had watched a movie. Boy, the things they con the newbies in to! :)
I made us some lunch when Hubs
came home for break and we all sat and chatted. When it was time for Hubs to
return to work instead of the kiddos crying, Mommy did. I was overwhelmed at
being alone with my kiddos in the house while we did nothing but wait. And
wait. Hubs wasn’t due back home until almost 8pm.
The kiddos and I prepared some
Ziploc baggies of water, took some water bottles to the deep freezer in the
basement and checked the basement walls for leaks. All clear.
When the kiddos seemed to have
had enough we all returned to the comfort of our home and changed into dry
clothes. We watched a little TV and I even decided I may make dinner since we
still had power. That’s a Holiday in our house, Mommy making dinner. I prepared
everything I had for my spaghetti with meat sauce until I realized we had no
sauce. My APB on FaceBook and Twitter proved useful though when my neighbor
showed up at my door with a jar of Ragu. (I love my neighbors!)
While scanning FaceBook, the
neighbor around the corner had posted a picture that caught my eye. Her Hubs
and her kiddos were in their back yard slip sliding in the mud. Surely this was
no serious storm if they were out in it like we were earlier. And even deeper
in it. I invited us over.
Once the sun went down, Mommy got
scared. I began reading of several Tornado Warnings in the area, our area, my
Mom’s area, my Dad’s area, my friends’ area. Everywhere. I was, eh, okay, until
all of that. I had let the kiddos play outside twice for goodness sake. The
Tornado Warnings changed all of that. One had touched down at the Beach near
where Hubs’ Dad and Grandmother live. This was too close for comfort.
We started out upstairs camping
together in our bedroom. Until the Warnings became closer and closer. Once we
lost power, off we went to the basement. I had told ME before she fell asleep
that if Mommy woke her up and told her it was time to go to the basement, we
go, FAST. She was my little trooper. She feel asleep on the floor of my bedroom
and not 20 minutes later we were headed down. She held my hand as we made our
way in the dark to our hideout. Hubs carried JP down and when we got to the
bottom of the stairs he sat up and said excitedly “we’re camping in the
basement?!” And then like a switch, went right back to sleep.
Hubs and I did not sleep. We
dozed here and there, but we did not sleep. I remember wondering how safe we
actually were. Would we be found if something did happen? Would our dogs be ok?
Would we all be together? I remember regretting that I didn’t evacuate. I had
thought about it. I had thought about taking the kids, the dogs, and some
clothes-- west. I didn’t know where west. I just knew West. The only reason I
didn’t was that Hubs was still expected to report to work and there was no way
I was leaving him behind.
Our power came back on some time
between 1 and 2am. I was relieved and exhausted. But the power did not restore
my safe feeling. It almost made it worse as I heard the sump pump come on over
and over again and quickly, too. I kept wondering whether I would wake up
I said goodbye to Hubs around
4:30am as he waded off to work. I was not happy at all that he was leaving us.
But I know he had little choice in the matter. At least the worst was
supposedly behind us. When I finally watched some news around 9am, it was in
fact, behind us.
And the kiddos and I returned to
our normally scheduled Sunday routine. That afternoon we even ventured out to
one of our favorite spots on the bay, Woodland Beach.
Ahh, a sigh of relief as I
watched the kiddos do their thing, without a care in the world as to how lucky
we just were.
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