We hit up the Lego Store in Christiana Mall on Monday between school clothes shopping destinations.
Holy Lego Man, why hadn’t we gotten JP hooked on these yet!? Yes, of course we’re going to be finding them everywhere and stepping on them and all. But, whoa! How much he loves these things! What a builder he is.
JP went directly to the play bin located between the three kid friendly computers and began building dirt with as many brown pieces he could get his hands on. “More bwown, Mommy, more bwown!” I walked around browsing and came back to him, “I not done yet.” I walked around again, nope still not done. I sat down next to him and watch. He was mesmerized. He loved them. He still loves them.
I found a starter kit that looked simple (as simple as Legos can be, right?). I also found him (TA-DAHHHH) a small tractor kit from which you can make three different styles. But, neither kit had any Bwown. So I had to do some piece meal purchasing. When all was said and done we were met by Tim at the register.
Awesome Customer Service from Tim! What a great, fun, interactive guy to be selling Legos! Tim rang us up and gave us a free gift for the day. As he scanned it to account for it I saw $3.99 ring up on the register. When he gave me my total I assumed the $3.99 had been discounted already. Tim scanned our new Lego VIP card and then bid us a good day. He wished JP a great time at playing with his new Legos.
Off we went on our shopping adventure with JP carrying his Lego Bag with pride. He couldn’t wait to get home to play. As soon as we arrived home, JP begged me to open everything up so we neatly spilled all the Legos onto the kitchen table. He giggled so much checking them all out.
I double checked the receipt to find that, unfortunately the $3.99 for that free gift wasn’t credited. I called the store and got Tim, my sales guy on the first ring. He was just as smiley on the telephone. I told him who I was and that I had gotten home to see that my free gift cost me $3.99. He asked me to double check that there wasn’t a credit further down because they only ring it up for accounting purposes and then immediately refund it. I double checked and told him no.
He apologized so much you’d think he had stepped on my toe on accident. He said so easily, “come on back in to see me and I’ll take care of it right away!” I told him in my “mommy just got all the way home to South of the Canal Smyrna” voice that I couldn’t. He immediately had a solution. He asks me if I would mind giving him my address and he would send the refund in a Gift Card. I said that was fine and that with how much my son now loves these Legos we would definitely use it at some point.
This is where I was blown away! Tim says my Gift Card would go out in the mail on Tuesday and would be to me soon. He apologizes again and again and says that never should have happened and how much he ruined a free gift by charging me for it. He tells me he wants all of his customers happy as it is Legos, after all, and says my Gift Card will be for $10!
Now THAT is Customer Service I could get used to!
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