Dear Santa,
You really didn't think this one through. An Easy Bake Oven? Ugh. My kiddos have baked with me using the real oven. They know how to use a mixer (with my assistance), they can crack an egg (look the other way when I grab that piece of shell), and they can read a recipe.

They also require a little more cookie dough than this EBO supplies. Well, ok, that's totally my complaint. We waited 20 minutes to warm up the EBO, 9 minutes for the baking, and 5 minutes for the cooling. Seriously, how long do you think a 7yo girl and a 3.5yo BOY will stand by "patiently?"

The cookies were yummy, according to the kiddos. I would have tried one of my own if there had been more than 11 nickel sized chocolate chip cookies made. I honestly didn't have the heart to take one away from them. They were gone in three chews, 15 seconds flat.
What in the world were you thinking (with all due respect)?
Kicking Herself Repeatedly,
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