Monday, January 9, 2012

I Has a Sad

Before I was a Mom, I would have slapped you if you told me I'd be upset over throwing away a chair.

That it would be the chair I nursed both my babies in. The chair I brought one baby home from the NICU to and another baby home from Peds to.

That I would sit for hours night after night in said chair just listening to my babies breath. For no other reason than to listen.

That I'd beg these babies' Daddy over and over to fix it one more time before giving up on it.

That it would be the chair full of such great memories and also trying times through two infancies.

That it would hold so many tears, both of joy and frustration and even sometimes of pain.

That I would be so attached to a chair that I would be crying just taking a picture of that chair by the curb, covered in this winter's first dusting of snow.

I would have never believed you.

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