Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Update On Our Friend

Hi all.

Trinity is doing well. She is resting comfortably in the ICU. Her Hubs is now sleeping by her side. I'm letting them sleep as long as they can.

Trinity was wheeled back for surgery at 7:30 and by 12 we were being moved to the ICU waiting room while they got her settled into her room. She asked for her Hubs right away so the nurse came and got him and took Mom back, too. The nurse then stopped Hubs and reminded him that Trinity wanted her Chapstick. That made us all smile.

The surgery went well. But, as quoted from her Mom "They had to do an indirect bypass because her temporal arteries were too small to do the direct. She had an indirect temporal muscle flap. This could take months to tell if it worked." Basically, what they intended to do, they couldn't because her arteries were too skinny. She had worried about this as the doctor had told her that's the one place you don't want to be skinny.

The good news is that they had a Plan B. The bad is that it's not an immediate, quick solution. It's a slower solution that will take time to work.

Since I started writing I have been able to see her.

I just got back from sitting with her. She's concerned that her friends know she's ok. She is in a lot of pain but they are trying their best to manage it.

Please continue your Prayers for her. I told her I would ask you all to Pray for the pain to be more manageable.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so grateful you wrote this.

    Why do I always cry when I read your blog? I know that's not what you intended, but it works. ;)
