Sunday, June 5, 2011

I Missed My Calling

Actually, I missed several of them. 
I once wanted to be a Wedding Consultant. My Wedding was gorgeous! And on a budget. Granted, we still spent way too much money, but it could have been even worse. I hear about others planning weddings and get this slight twinge of jealousy that I’m not planning another one. I had hoped to one day be living my wedding fantasies vicariously through other brides. One after the other.

I once wanted to be a Flight Attendant. Seriously. As a little girl I dreamed of helping people on their flights to far off lands and getting to travel the world seeing new places and faces. Alas, my fear of flying got the best of me.

I once wanted to be a Marine Biologist. Just kidding. You are still paying attention, right?

I once wanted to be a Third Grade Teacher. I would have been wonderful at that. As I put together our end of the school year thank you gift for ME’s 1st Grade Teacher I can’t help but think I was made for that. We (and by “we” I mean “I”) got her a Thirty-One Lunch Bag with her initial on it. I then sent ME to school with a few questions: what’s her favorite snack, her favorite candy, her favorite drink, and her favorite color? Honestly, her teacher must think I’m a stalker. Anyway, we got her favorite snack and her favorite candy and filled her lunch bag. Then we also made a Classroom Kit for essentials she may need: safety pins, binder clips, batteries, pens, highlighters, tissues, suction cups, buttons, googlie eyes, Hershey Kisses (Wait, what?). ME is decorating a label for the top and hopefully she can find a use for the things in her kit.

This is where my dreams come back to bite me in the ass. For all the what ifs, I can’t help but be perfectly happy that I didn’t finish college for my teaching degree and that I didn’t go off on some flight somewhere or live vicariously through other brides. If I had, I wouldn’t be where I am today. My life took unexpected turns and landed me right where I am: with my amazing Hubs and my two gorgeous kiddos.

I once wanted the Perfect Family. Jackpot!

1 comment:

  1. I always wanted to be a wedding consultant too!! We should go into business. Oh and kudos for the end of the year teachers gift. I know she loved it!!! Now don't you want ME to come to my school for 5th grade??? I know a fab teacher!!
