The 5th Annual Little Ghosts & Goblins Fest is scheduled for Sunday, October 30th from 4-8pm. I started the Fest as a United Way Fundraiser as well as a great way for Employees to bring their kids to work for a safe, warm, fun way to Trick or Treat. Not to mention get an extra use out of the costumes we Parents either spend too much money or too much time on.
The Annual Fest has been opened up by word of mouth to Friends of Employees as well. Each year we have, on average, 60 dressed up little ones coming through the decorated meeting room. We encourage the costumes, but it isn’t a must.
The kiddos start out at the registration table where their parents donate $5 per child and they sign in for a record of who was here and who was with whom. Here they receive a Trick or Treat bag.
Everything for the Little Ghosts & Goblins is donated via Employees, those with and without children participating in the event. Donators are always so gracious in the giving of candy, prizes, handouts, apples, etc. We even have Halloween music playing throughout the event.
Inside our room we set up several Activity Tables for the Ghosts & Goblins. They are encouraged to go in order but often skip over and come back to things that are either occupied or out of their age group. We have such a variety though that usually each child participates in most everything. We have Spin Art, Face Painting, Bobbing for Apples, Coloring Contests, Gross Grabs, Pumpkin Tosses, Lollipop Ghosts, and more. A favorite for my kiddos is the Spin Art. Don’t ever tell them we considered skipping that last year. After Madi told me she couldn’t wait to make a purple and pink spin art picture for her bedroom we had to continue on with it.
In the back of the room we set up a decorated portrait scene, including ghords, punkins, cornstalks, hay, and mums. Each child or family can stop for a moment to get their picture taken for the occasion. We then email the pictures to the parents a day or two later or offer to print them out for those without email access. The parents love that they have a cute little portrait of their kid from the Fest. We also use the pictures to decide the Costume Contest Winners. Those winners get goodie bags of prizes, again donated to us from our Employee volunteers.
At the conclusion of the walk through the tables the kids stop by the refreshment table that our Food & Beverage Department provides. We have cookies, punch, dirt pudding, and brownies for the little ones to enjoy.
The event is a blast for little ones and some of them have grown accustomed to attending each year. I know mine have.
If you’d like more information, let me know.
You rock Juli! Look forward to seeing some pics!