Monday, October 31, 2011

Touch A Truck

Saturday, October 15th, my kiddos and I attended the Monster Miles for a Cause at Dover International Speedway. We got word of it through the March of Dimes as they had a Touch a Truck event at the cause.

What a hit this was with my kiddos! We dressed up for Trick or Treating as the flyer had suggested and grabbed our pails for our adventure. When we arrived it was crazy windy so we donned hoodies under their costumes. JP would have worn his costume whether it was Halloween or not as he’s a Fireman this year. Knowing there were to be fire trucks there he was all set. Sissy threw on her scrubs and made the perfect little veterinarian.

As soon as we rounded to corner behind the grandstands we could see the trucks in the roped off area and JP grinned with excitement. We donated our $5 each and were given a coloring book and ball to start out our goodie bags. First stop was the Pepsi truck where the kids climbed in to the cooler part and sat on pallets for a picture op. The Pepsi man was even giving out Gatorade and Sierra Mist along with Trick or Treat candy. We then visited the Waste Management truck, the Giant Dump Truck, the Monster Racing Race Truck and the Air Force Hum V.

Then, the big moment: the first Fire Truck. JP was ecstatic. We waited (not so patiently) for our turn to climb in the cab. The Camden Wyoming Fire Man helped us get in and explained some of the buttons. JP was glowing! What a cute little Fireman he makes. Picture perfect!

After probably 20 minutes at the first Fire Truck we finally convinced JP to see some other vehicles. We were able to move on to the Fifth Wheel Camper from ParkviewRV, the City of Dover trash truck, and the Police SUV and motorcycle. The Police Men even recognized JP from the Fireman’s Parade downtown and Chipotle the week JP refused to go anywhere not in his Fireman Uniform. JP didn’t recognize them and was quite standoffish regardless of how many times Mommy said Police Officers are our friends. He did, however, climb onto the motorcycle as soon as the Officer invited him.

We finished up with one last Fire Truck which happened to be from Cheswold where MomMom and Aunt Rhonda are Auxilary Members. There Fire Trucks are white with beautiful American Flags on their engine grills. Two of their Hero Firemen helped us in and handed out candy. They were gracious hosts showing off their truck and showed pride in explaining different buttons, knobs, straps, and equipment to the kiddos. You can tell they love what they do. My kiddos were mesmerized with everything about the Fire Trucks. We spent even longer at this Fire Truck.

When we had seen all the vehicles and all the wonderful hosts with them we set off to see the Race Track. We watched from the stands as many different groups set out on their respective walks for their cause. It’s a friendly camaraderie they establish when fighting and supporting a cause. I know it is with us in April when we walk for March of Dimes March for Babies.

The three of decided whole heartedly that for the next Touch A Truck Daddy must take the day off!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Follow Along

At the Coaches Meeting last night I chatted with a fellow coach I hadn't seen in years, “J.” We worked together in 98-99 for the most popular pizza place in Delaware. In fact, J taught Hubs how to be a Pizza Maker.

J asked me how “G” was and if we still palled around with him. I actually pointed to ME seated with me and told him that G is actually ME’s God Father. Then I pointed out “D” on the other side of the room, another fellow Coach and said G once dated D’s sister, T. We laughed, #SmallTownDelaware.

You with me?

I then reminded J that his wife C’s family was childhood family friends of my family and that I actually have pictures of C in a playpen with my brother, M. They are only 3 months apart in age. In fact, my Pops is C’s God Father. Hmph, #SmallTownDelaware.

You still with me?

What I refrained from mentioning, however, since no one really needs a reminder, is that C had a baby with my then Fiancée S and she was adopted because neither of them was old enough to raise a baby at that time. Um, yeah, #SmallTownDelaware.

So, now, some light years later, my daughter is playing ball against the kid of the girl that was once a playmate of us as kids that then years later cheated with my fiancée.

THAT’S #SmallTownDelaware

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I’m At A Loss

I have less than 34 days to figure out the best Surprise ever for my kiddos. I am scared to death I’m going to blow it. A huge momentous memory and I’ll fail. I’m petrified.

I’ve been searching the internet, watching videos, and reading stories on how to pull off this kind of surprise. But none of them are us. None of them fit our family. We are not the blurt it out and scream kind of people. We are not the wake them in the middle of the night so they don’t believe us kind. We are not the trickery type either. I want something simple. I want something unique.

I want this surprise for my kiddos to be perfect. I want them to remember it forever. I want them to know how excited, how hard we’ve worked, how much we’ve saved to be able to do this. I want them to appreciate it and above all I want them to have a BLAST!

I don’t want too much, do I? ;)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Two Weeks

Two weeks from today is my friend’s surgery. She has Moyamoya and they are going to operate on her brain.
She started having noticeable issues last year when she was pregnant with her second child. She remembers possibly, maybe, perhaps having issues long ago but will never be 100% sure they are from this. But for all intensive purposes, we think so. What they amount to are actually Mini-Strokes that have left scar tissue to prove their existence. Mi-Ni-STROKES. Ugh. My heart stops when I think of that.
My heart also stops when I think of the recovery, the time in the hospital, the time away from her boys, the things she will want to do but physically can’t and has to ask for help. She doesn’t ask for help. It’s not her nature. She’s like me. But, she’s going to have to give that up. I don’t think she wants to admit that. But she will. She must.
I worry for her. I think of her constantly. I wish I could will it all better. Make it all better.
Instead, I am Praying every day that this surgery is the answer to it all. That it eliminates the headaches, the stress, the worry, the frustration that all of this has put on her, her family, and her friends.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Daddy's Gift Ideas

Tonight, at dinner just the three of us, we decided to begin a list of ideas for Daddy's Christmas Presents.
Boy, is he in for a surprise!

Christmas Ideas

Tire cover 
New Hot Dog
New Box
Poster from us
New light for tire
Twinkle toes
Wii game
Make him cards 
New tractor
Movies & music

We may have to go back to the drawing board.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dear Santa

In no particular order, my wish list for this year:

Snow on Christmas Eve

Hubs off the day before and day after

One more year believing in Santa

And the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny

An easy winter

No Funerals, ever

Good Report Cards

A Love of Reading

Continued love of school for my kiddos

Clean Dishes/Laundry/Floors Fairy

Summer Vacation somewhere new

Tall, green grass at all of Pop’s customer’s yards

Willing, well behaved students for Papi & MomMom

Grandma DeeDee’s Basket Weaving Shop

A Record Deal, #1 Hit and World Tour for Mark

Freedom and happiness for Gram

A long overdue bonus for Kathy

A healthy, successful recovery for Trinity

Two Healthy Bouncing Babies for Kara & Scott

Better Mondays for Nancy

Strength and Independence for Belva

Remission for Clint and Shannon

A Christmas Tree Shopping Trip with my Mom

A NYC day with the Nick and the kiddos

And a partridge in a pear tree, well, apple rather.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Little Ghosts & Goblins Fest

The 5th Annual Little Ghosts & Goblins Fest is scheduled for Sunday, October 30th from 4-8pm. I started the Fest as a United Way Fundraiser as well as a great way for Employees to bring their kids to work for a safe, warm, fun way to Trick or Treat. Not to mention get an extra use out of the costumes we Parents either spend too much money or too much time on.

The Annual Fest has been opened up by word of mouth to Friends of Employees as well. Each year we have, on average, 60 dressed up little ones coming through the decorated meeting room. We encourage the costumes, but it isn’t a must.

The kiddos start out at the registration table where their parents donate $5 per child and they sign in for a record of who was here and who was with whom. Here they receive a Trick or Treat bag.

Everything for the Little Ghosts & Goblins is donated via Employees, those with and without children participating in the event. Donators are always so gracious in the giving of candy, prizes, handouts, apples, etc. We even have Halloween music playing throughout the event.

Inside our room we set up several Activity Tables for the Ghosts & Goblins. They are encouraged to go in order but often skip over and come back to things that are either occupied or out of their age group. We have such a variety though that usually each child participates in most everything. We have Spin Art, Face Painting, Bobbing for Apples, Coloring Contests, Gross Grabs, Pumpkin Tosses, Lollipop Ghosts, and more. A favorite for my kiddos is the Spin Art. Don’t ever tell them we considered skipping that last year. After Madi told me she couldn’t wait to make a purple and pink spin art picture for her bedroom we had to continue on with it.

In the back of the room we set up a decorated portrait scene, including ghords, punkins, cornstalks, hay, and mums. Each child or family can stop for a moment to get their picture taken for the occasion. We then email the pictures to the parents a day or two later or offer to print them out for those without email access. The parents love that they have a cute little portrait of their kid from the Fest. We also use the pictures to decide the Costume Contest Winners. Those winners get goodie bags of prizes, again donated to us from our Employee volunteers.

At the conclusion of the walk through the tables the kids stop by the refreshment table that our Food & Beverage Department provides. We have cookies, punch, dirt pudding, and brownies for the little ones to enjoy.

The event is a blast for little ones and some of them have grown accustomed to attending each year. I know mine have.

If you’d like more information, let me know.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I’m in a funk. Time is getting away from me.  I keep telling myself I will ____________ tomorrow.

Fill in blank with:

Write a post
Clean the house
Do the laundry
Decorate the yard
Organize the kitchen
Grocery shop
Design a weekly menu
Go through my pictures
Finish that book
Finish my Christmas Shopping
Etc. etc. etc.

I need a day or two for time to stop. Just let me catch up. I feel very under accomplished, very unorganized and all out of sorts. Send help in the form of a personal assistant, please. 

(Also, on a disappointed in me note: this is not the Epic #100 Blog Post I had envisioned.) 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Forgive Me

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

It has been 12 days since my last Blog Post.

As Penance, I shall be doomed to Mt. Laundry all the days of my life.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

(In Which I Over Use Patantheses)

I met T on The Twitter. We instantly bonded over an inside joke (that I probably shouldn’t put in print). One random day (Spring, I think), JP and I headed to my favorite store, The Christmas Tree Shop. I Tweeted T to let her know I’d be (sorta, kinda) in the area and would love to meet up to officially meet. She wasn’t feeling very well. She himed and hawed a little and I bugged and bugged. Pretty sure I even said chocolate fixes everything. I suggested Friendly’s (pause for shock and awe there).
She and her (then) almost 2 year old met us for lunch. T was my first Twitter friend in real life (*real life: what is that anyway?). When we arrived I was a little nervous, but somehow knew right away we were already friends. Looking back I wish we had been able to talk even more at the first sit down. We never seem to get a moment to do so now. Something always interrupts us.
We chatted over lunch and ice cream. And, of course, over the noise and fidgets of restless kiddos. Being long lost friends already, I even borrowed a diaper (borrowed? How do you borrow a diaper?) because JP caught me off guard at lunch.
A short time later we met up for a benefit dinner and brought the hubbies. We also celebrated her son’s birthday with them and met the grandparents. Everyone made us feel like T and I were, in fact, long lost friends.
Since those first few meet ups (in real life*) we’ve been through so many of life’s twists and turns, together, in a way.  We can (at any time) call, text, tweet, email each other just because. Just because we need a hug. Just because we need to vent. Or just because we NEED to. Just. Because.
I love that we pick up mid conversation, mid thought whenever we can. I love that I can text her out of the blue and she responds as if she was just about to do the same. I love that our kiddos love each other. I love that her MIL likes me. I love that my Hubs likes her and her Hubs likes me (not like THAT!).
Most of all, I love that she met me for lunch that first day. I love that she took a chance at meeting me. I love that she loves me.
And I love her.