I’ve made Mom’s Zucchini Bread a million times “before” (as my Family & Friends can attest to). But, I haven’t made it “since” well before May 7th, the day that measures all-time in my head right now. Before and since.
This was my first go of it since. I was worried I’d cry. I was worried I’d mess it up. I was worried I wouldn’t do it justice. 

Only one of those worries came true. I proved, that even with the added tablespoons of tears, it turned out just like Mom’s. I think she truly helped me bake it. The supportive hug from my gentleman kiddo when he heard the sniffles in the kitchen helped big time, as well. 

I’m not exactly sure where her original recipe came from, in my eyes, it only came from her. Feel free to try it out, warm from the oven with a little bit of butter. If it is familiar to you or came from Betty, I don’t want to know. 

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