It took me forever to be able to look at this pic without crying. And yet, still, I struggle holding back the tears.
One week from today, this gorgeous baby begins three college courses she is adding to her schedule for fall semester.
Two weeks from today, this gorgeous baby begins her Junior year in High School.
And smack dab in the middle of those two big dates, on a late summer Saturday, this gorgeous baby turns Sweet Sixteen right before my eyes at 10:49am on September 5th.
Cue the cliches:
Where has the time gone?
My how time flies!
How quickly they grow!
Don't blink, Mamas! That's what they tell us, right? Don't blink.
I've been told that since her pregnancy. I obeyed it, swear. Still, she's turning 16 right before my (held open by toothpicks) eyes!
Sixteen! Sixteen!?! Sixteen years of mommy-hood thanks to this beauty. Sixteen years of hugs & kisses that melt my heart like the first time every time.
Madylin Elizabeth, you are my world and I love you more every single day. Watching you grow into your own and be your own strong, independent woman has made my light shine, too. You put a smile on my face and warmth in my heart.
You will rock this school year. And each and every year after. You will soar as a teacher and I'll be the first one in line watching you take off... every single time!
Go get em, baby! I believe in you always!
Your #1 fan!

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